Healing and Facebook (not two words I usually put together)

Hey Reader,

Quick one today...enjoy!

Channeled Messages

“It is important not to see yourself as “lesser than” or diminished by what you experience on Earth. Your experiences are not you. The pain you experience is not you and does not change your eternal nature as whole. You are in a process of expansion and no “healing” is necessary.”

Martha’s Musings

I was scrolling through FB (not something I do very often these days), and I bumped into two posts by a couple of friends talking about “healing” and being “healed enough.”

They caught my eye because it’s a common subject and something that comes up when doing personal or spiritual development (both friends do spiritual guidance and coaching) and because they had similar takeaways. Healing is a process that you continue to do and don’t let “not being healed” or “not being healed enough” stop you from moving forward in your life. (At least those were the takeaways that I got.)

I agree wholeheartedly. However, I would like to add something. We’re not here to heal. We’re here to grow.

It might sound like I’m playing with semantics, but the words we choose can set us up in particular mindsets. Using the word “heal” suggests something is broken or wrong and needs fixing or changing. (You may be interested to know that “heal” comes from the Old English word haelan, or whole. To heal essentially means to make whole.)

The thing is, you are already whole.

It seems disempowered to look at challenges in our lives from a place of “I’m not whole” and wanting to be whole. That mindset can stop us from taking those steps or making those changes because, in our minds, we don’t have the capability or we’re not ready. Or worse, we use it as an excuse not to do something.

I would suggest you take “heal” out of your vocabulary when discussing personal or spiritual development. Instead, try using the word “grow.” Growth implies that you are already whole and have everything you need to become more. If you have experienced pain or trauma from something in your past, you can re-frame it. You aren’t trying to “heal’ from that experience; you are trying to “grow” from that experience.

Journal Prompts

Is there an challenge or experience that you have been working with that stops you from moving forward in your life?

How have you already grown around that challenge or experience?

How might stepping forward help you to continue to grow around that challenge or experience?

Take care!

Martha :)

Hey there! I'm Martha Angelini.

"Martha’s Musings" offers channeled messages, insights on seeing the spiritual in the everyday, journal prompts, and first crack at future offers and updates about trainings. Have a look!

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